Here's a blast from the past, old school pictures digitized from slides. These are from a trip to BC during the fall on 1988. After guiding in Alaska all summer my buddy Scott and I drove 18 hours north of Seattle to the Skeena River system in search of sea run bows. We fished hard all day long for a week and managed to find a few fish. I learned a great deal on that trip about steelheading as it was my first successful steel headin trip. I would say the most important thing that I learned was that you have to believe that you will hook a fish on every cast. As crazy as it sounds it is totally true that the more you believe the more success you have.
You know the fish are big when you can hardly get your hand around the tail.
My first steelhead ever!
The release.

Another release.
Large! They don't get like in the Great Lakes.
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