Saturday, May 24, 2014

Alternative Views

Been paying around with some different angles and focus points of the fish I manage to cross paths with.  One learns as much from the mistakes as the successes.  It's amazing to me how a slight change of focus can change the picture's feel and quality.   

While I like this photo,if the fish were in focus and the fly slightly out of focus it would be a much better shot.  Oh well, maybe next time.

Similar situation as above but with this one if the eye were in focus it would be an excellent shot. I love everything else about the picture. 

I like the lines in this shot.

While I love the colors, the net is covering part of the fish above its eye.  It's hard composing pictures of fish when you're by yourself.  While I'm trying to get a few good pics off, I'm also trying to keep the fish in the water and keep them healthy.  That is the fun and the challenge, very much like fishing itself.

I love the colors and pec fin on this brown.

Another sucker for the rusty spinner.  I like colors and position of this fish.  Processed this one through HDR.  While the effect can easily be overdone in this case it's pretty subtle.

The colors and lines on this are pleasing to my eye. 

The halo effect on this fish was very unintentional but I really like how it catches my eye.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Stretching the Comfort Zone

My 12 yr old son likes hanging at home, playing sports, talking sports, hanging with friends, all  typical 12 year old boy stuff.  Spending time on the water with good ole dad is not something that excites him.  My wife has a very busy evening schedule this week.  As a result, if I was going to hit the water at all my son was going to be tagging along.  He was not into this plan at all.  A little bribery which included chicken wings and a root beer worked wonders on eliminating his complaining. 

The plan was to venture to a new spot, something a little different and remote.  Not sure what was in the beautiful run, but I was going to find out.    I new that to make this a positive outing not fishing too long was in order so I worked the first run quickly.   The mission was to swing flies on a 3 wt switch rod and hope that it got a workout.  Well the first run was a bust so we moved up towards the next run and my son sat on the rocks while I plied the waters.  In a bit a nice large smallmouth crushed my black bugger and gave the switch rod everything it could handle.  

Part of the reasoning for this outing was to prepare him for the upcoming summer as he and I will be spending a bunch of time together and he's going to have to get used to spending time on the water with dad.  He even told my wife that he had a nice time.  Thank god for small miracles. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014


It has been a long, cold winter coupled with a painfully gradual spring arrival.  This fly fishers has been going stir crazy waiting for the magical arrival of the Hendrickson's.  After watching the weather and flows I managed to get out for a little meet and greet with some of old friends.  Touching base with one of my favorite hatches rekindles my connection to the natural cycle of life within a the waters I frequent.   After such a long wait the afterglow of the encounter has left a semi-permanent smile on my face.